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Blockchain: Polygon
Token Standard: ERC1155 ( 54 Open Gallery )
Contract Address: 0x86aa...d266
Contract fee: 1%
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Collection: News
Tags: Blockchain, Pizza, Celebration
Single Edition

Celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day with Blockchain.com. Enter blockchain's pizza giveaway competition. Learn about Bitcoin's history, the rise of crypto commerce, and the future of digital payments.

On May 22nd, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made history by purchasing two Papa John's pizzas for 10,000 BTC. This marked the first documented real-world transaction using Bitcoin, and today, we celebrate this momentous occasion as Bitcoin Pizza Day!

Fourteen years ago, 10,000 BTC was worth roughly $40. Today, that same amount of Bitcoin would be about $699M. While the price may have fluctuated tremendously, one thing remains clear: Bitcoin's potential as a digital currency has only grown stronger.

Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Look Back and a Look Ahead

Bitcoin Pizza Day serves as a reminder of Bitcoin's humble beginnings and its incredible journey. Back in 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz's 10,000 BTC purchase not only fueled his hunger but also fueled the imagination of the cryptocurrency community. It was a pioneering act that demonstrated the real-world potential of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange.

Fast forward to today, and the landscape of cryptocurrency has transformed dramatically. Bitcoin is no longer a fringe concept; it's a global phenomenon with a market capitalization in the trillions. While its price may experience volatility, there's been an increase in acceptance by both individuals and institutions.

This day also presents an opportunity to look towards the future.

The Rise of Crypto Commerce

Laszlo Hanyecz's pizza purchase may have been a one-off back in the day, but today, spending Bitcoin on everyday goods and services is becoming more and more possible.

Here are some key trends driving the rise of crypto commerce:

Increased merchant adoption: More businesses are recognizing the potential of accepting cryptocurrency payments. This is due to factors like lower transaction fees compared to traditional credit cards and the ability to reach a global customer base.

Improved user experience: Crypto wallets and payment processors are becoming more user-friendly, making it easier for people to spend their Bitcoin on everyday purchases.

Growing consumer interest: As public awareness of cryptocurrency grows, so too does consumer interest in using it for purchases.

Bitcoin Pizza Day may have started with a single pizza purchase, but it represents a giant leap forward for the world of digital currency.

Celebrate with Blockchain.com

To celebrate we're giving you the chance to win a pizza on us*, click here to enter.

*Only available to US residents.

Source: blockchain.com