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Collection: News
Tags: Gaming, Solana, Sui
Single Edition

First there was the Solana Saga, now there’s the Sui SuiPlay0X1. 

That’s the bet Sui developer Mysten Labs is making, as it announced the pending launch of a handheld gaming device that natively integrates with the Sui blockchain. The product will be built with Playtron’s device-agnostic gaming operating system, Sui said. 

A marketing video posted by Sui showed a slick, PlayStation Portable-esque device, but any actual gaming handheld is in the very early stages, and the product isn’t set to hit the market until 2025. 

Official details on the release remain relatively sparse, though VentureBeat reported some details based on interviews with executives involved in the partnership. The device will aim to integrate Sui wallets for users at the OS level, so game developers could do things like airdrop rewards directly to users. 

But the elemental design choice of which chip to use is still to be determined, VentureBeat reported. A spokesperson for Sui did not immediately return a request for more information. 

Solana’s Saga phone did uninspiring numbers at launch before becoming highly sought-after among crypto natives due to BONK airdrops being offered by protocols developing apps for the phone.

Like Solana, Mysten teamed up with an external developer for its handheld Web3 product. Playtron is a handheld gaming software startup that came out of stealth with $10 million in funding roughly two weeks ago. Mysten Labs, along with Polychain, Circle and CMT Digital, were crypto companies that have invested, The Verge reported.

Playtron’s calling card is an operating system that can support games from different platforms, perhaps opening up the notoriously siloed gaming space.

Source: Jack Kubinecblockworks.co